Shop Updates and What’s New

Before I get to the Shop Updates and what’s new, I first need to ask .. how did we get to November? Just how?

I will admit I’ve been in a bit of a fog since my hip surgery in July, and my Shop had to take a back seat. I felt stressed by having to let my inventory get so low but I had to focus on getting stronger (not only physically, but mentally). Dealing with osteoarthritis and chronic pain takes a toll on a person and and I’ve simply had to honour that. It’s also extremely difficult to set up flat lays and take photos but I’m working on that too. I’m trying a few different bits of equipment to make it easier, but more on that later.

But now, let’s get to the exciting news!

My Shop will soon be fully stocked and I’ll be offering 8 more designs! Some are brand new and and a few are coming out of retirement in the new 24″x36″ super smooth, 15oz matte vinyl. I expect to have it fully stocked no later than the middle of next week. I do want to apologize to anyone who has tried to order, and not been able to. I thank you for your patience.

OK, so I’m not going to name names, but I’m bringing this one back .. any guesses what it is? I’m not telling, but it’s one of my favourites.

I’m excited about a few more new things I have in the works and will be posting a bit more regularly this month to keep you updated.

Thanks for being here!

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  1. Well I should think hip surgery would slow you down. Hope you continue to heal and that the surgery will give you relief. I know every case is different, but my brother had hip surgery and is doing great, so I hope that is encouraging. Your backgrounds look wonderful! Wishing you much success with them.
    Take care,

    1. Hi Carolyn, yes it certainly does slow a person down and I am doing quite well but it’s taking longer than I had hoped (I’ve been told I’m a bit impatient 😉

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