Best Way to Start a Day

The best way to start a day is with gratitude. I’m not ready to get back to working on my photography or my Shop, so I’m going to spend August simply sharing rambling posts.

A couple days ago I woke up to a very chilly August morning. August 5th, 10 degrees celcius, and soggy.

I laid in bed, cozy under the covers for a few minutes, and went over in my head about how happy I was to have family with us again. It simply does not get any better and my heart is full.

After a few minutes I braved the chilliness and got out of bed (we leave our bedroom and bathroom windows open all night). I quickly put on my fleece top and bottoms, found my cane, and made my way to the kitchen to start the coffee. I said another little prayer of thanks for my new hip, and the absence of constant pain in my hip and back.

As the warm, familiar smell of brewing coffee filled the kitchen, I did a few stretching exercises and looked out the window at the wall of green surrounding our home. Another moment of gratitude.

As everyone emerged from their bedrooms (lots of tousled heads ; ) we started a fire in the fireplace to take the chill off. Fires indoors in August? why not? But as the day(s) wore on and the weather warmed up, we headed outdoors to do all the “lake things”. And this is what I love .. (besides tousled heads) ..

  • family around the table again
  • a boat ride around the lake
  • watching the kids tubing
  • wet beach towels hanging from the deck railings
  • a busy noisy kitchen
  • fun country music in the back yard
  • watching everyone play bola ball and spike ball
  • campfires in the fire pit
  • an uncontrollable a belly laugh

As ever, thank you for being here xo

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  1. Barb,
    What a lovely way to start the day with family, Your description about the day was wonderful. Glad you got spend time with your family.
    My brother from Florida just spent 5 days with us. It was so wonderful. Almost 3 years was a long time.
    Take care …
    Ann xxx

    1. Hi Ann, thank you for stopping by! I’m SO happy to hear you finally got to see your brother .. oh my goodness we lost a lot of precious family time in the last 3 years ..

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